• Didactic Engineering as a research method in physics teaching 

      Avendaño Castro, William Rodrigo; Gamboa Suárez, Audin Aloiso; Prada Nuñez, Raul (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021-08-26)
      Several mathematical concepts have application in physics; this paper reports the results of a pedagogical investigation based on the methodology known as didactic engineering, which has been proposed with the aim of ...
    • Didactic Engineering in the Development of Numerical Thinking 

      Vergel Ortega, Mawency; GALLARDO PÉREZ, HENRY DE JESÚS; Rangel Peinado, Carlos Luis (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020-09-01)
      The development of numerical thinking in primary education is an important aspect of children’s mathematical training, since it allows for a general understanding of numbers and operations in order to facilitate the ...
    • Difficulties in the interpretation of kinematics graphs in secondary basic education students 

      Prada Nuñez, Raul; Gamboa Suárez, Audin Aloiso; Avendaño Castro, William Rodrigo (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2022-10-22)
      This research reports the findings derived from the identification of the difficulties exhibited by a group of 76 students from different grades of basic secondary education in a private educational institution with an ...
    • Dynamic and sequential update for time series forecasting 

      GALLARDO PÉREZ, HENRY DE JESÚS; Vergel Ortega, Mawency; Rojas Suárez, Jhan Piero (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020-08-05)
      Two different sciences, physics and statistics, have worked, from the foundations of each, on the explanation and modelling of stochastic processes characterized by the succession of random variables whose realizations at ...
    • Economic Growth Model in Developing Economies 

      Vergel Ortega, Mawency; GALLARDO PÉREZ, HENRY DE JESÚS; Cordero Díaz, M C (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019-11-19)
      Economic growth is a function of the interactions between the different productive factors framed in the economic policy of an economy. The present work tries to explain the economic growth in developing economies, for ...
    • Education And Prevention: Strategies To Prevent Adolescent Suicide 

      Gómez, Guillermo; Gamboa Suárez, Audin Aloiso; Prada Núñez, Raúl (Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 2023-05-01)
      Gatekeepers Training (GKT) is one of the most widely used and disseminated programs worldwide to train personnel in suicide prevention. The purpose of the program is to acquire the necessary skills and competencies to ...
    • Ejes estratégicos y perfil del estudiante de matemática financiera de la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander. 

      Vergel Ortega, Mawency; Paz Montes, Luisa Stella (Aibi revista de investigación, administración e ingenieríaColombia, 2018-07-01)
      La investigación, tiene como propósito analizar ejes requeridos en el plan de formación de jóvenes estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias empresariales de la universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, de acuerdo a su perfil, ...
    • Enseñanza del concepto de onda armónica en la educación superior desde la teoría del aprendizaje experimental 

      Soto Vergel, Angelo Joseph; López Bustamante, Oriana Alexandra; Medina Delgado, Byron; Guevara-Ibarra, Dinael; GALLARDO PÉREZ, HENRY DE JESÚS (Revista De Investigación, Administración E Ingeniería AibiColombia, 2020-11-30)
      El cambiante escenario pedagógico y didáctico del aula de clase genera una permanente inquietud en todos los ámbitos educativos, en donde la enseñanza de las ciencias ha sido un área de creciente interés. Investigaciones ...
    • Escala para valororar el estrés en estudiantes de cursos de física en tiempos de covid-19 

      MARQUEZ-PEÑARANDA, JORGE FERNANDO; GALLARDO PÉREZ, HENRY DE JESÚS; Vergel Ortega, Mawency (Revista Boletin Redipe, 2021-01-01)
      El aprendizaje de la física supone arduos esfuerzos cuyos resultados con frecuencia se muestran en paradójica desproporción lo cual conlleva a generar estrategia para valorar el nivel de estrés entre los estudiantes puesto ...
    • Estimation of missing data in a geophysical series of precipitation 

      Vergel Ortega, Mawency; GALLARDO PÉREZ, HENRY DE JESÚS; Rojas Suárez, Jhan Piero (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021-06-09)
      The analysis of dynamic systems is a topic of great interest in the basic sciences since it allows direct inference of the behavior of different systems. The study of physical phenomena provides large databases that, if ...
    • Estimation of missing data in a geophysical series of precipitation 

      GALLARDO PÉREZ, HENRY DE JESÚS; Vergel Ortega, Mawency; Rojas Suárez, Jhan Piero (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2021-06-09)
      The analysis of dynamic systems is a topic of great interest in the basic sciences since it allows direct inference of the behavior of different systems. The study of physical phenomena provides large databases that, if ...
    • ¿Los Foráneos? Relatos de Población Receptora de Migrantes en una Ciudad Fronteriza 

      Bayona Sanabria, Tatiana Torcoroma; Gamboa Suárez, Audin Aloiso; Urbina Cárdenas, Jesús Ernesto (Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 2022-11-09)
      This research article shows a broad analysis of the situation of migrants in the city of Cúcuta - Norte de Santander (Colombia) and the representations that the receiving citizens have in this border context. The methodological ...
    • Formative Meaning Of Teaching Practice 

      Freire Tigreros, María Eufemia; Gamboa Suárez, Audin Aloiso; Prada Núñez, Raúl (Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 2022-11-09)
      The perception that four teachers and one hundred students have of their teaching practices with theoretical support was explored, which served as a basis for discussion, of the incidence of teacher training ...
    • Fostering mathematical logical intelligence in primary school students 

      GALLARDO PÉREZ, HENRY DE JESÚS; Vergel Ortega, Mawency; Márquez Patiño, R A (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019-12-15)
      Education must form thinking people, who develop all their potentialities, among them, those referring to mathematical logical intelligence. The objective is to elaborate a didactic proposal that fosters mathematical logical ...
    • Fundamentos Epistemológicos para un Modelo Psico-Pedagógico en Educación Sexual 

      GALLARDO PÉREZ, HENRY DE JESÚS; Vergel Ortega, Mawency; Laguado González, Jacqueline (Logos Ciencia & TecnologíaColombia, 2020-12-03)
      La investigación pretende generar algunos fundamentos epistemológicos como base para la construcción teórica de un modelo psico-pedagógico en educación sexual dirigido a los adolescentes. Se realizó bajo el paradigma ...
    • Gestión estratégica y prácticas saludables en instituciones prestadoras de salud en la frontera colombo-venezolana 

      GALLARDO PÉREZ, HENRY DE JESÚS; Vergel Ortega, Mawency; Contreras-Bustamante, José Ramiro Alexander (Revista Venezolana de GerenciaVenezuela, 2020-08-09)
      Las prácticas organizacionales hacen referencia a aspectos físicos, normativos, estructurales y sociales que las empresas utilizan con el fin de mejorar el compromiso del personal y a través de esta vía encontrar ventajas ...
    • Imaginaries Of The Venezuelan Migrant From The Narratives Of A Border Community In Cúcuta, Colombia 

      Urbina Cárdenas, Jesús Ernesto; Gamboa Suárez, Audin Aloiso; Bayona-Sanabria, Magda (Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 2022-11-09)
      This text addresses the phenomenon of migration of the Venezuelan population to Colombia from the narratives of inhabitants of the border area of the Corregimiento de la Parada, located in the city of Cúcuta. Through these ...
    • influencia de los movimientos sacádicos en el rendimiento académico de estudiantes de básica primaria en situación de vulnerabilidad en la ciudad de Cúcuta 

      Dávila Carrillo, Cesar Augusto; Rincon Alvarez, Gerson Adriano; Prada Nuñez, Raul (PsicogenteBogota , Colombia, 2017-06-05)
      Objetivo: Determinar si los movimientos sacádicos influyen en el rendimiento académico de estudiantes de básica primaria. Metodología: Se tomó una muestra no probabilística por conveniencia de 121 estudiantes de básica ...
    • Inquiry-based learning. Beliefs of trainee teachers in a physics course 

      Pabon Galan, Carlos Antonio; HERNANDEZ SUAREZ, CESAR AUGUSTO; Paz Montes, Luisa Stella (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2022)
      The teaching of physics should be supported by practical or laboratory activities that seek to develop the scientific competencies of the students who study physics, so it is necessary to propose innovative strategies, ...
    • Investigación intervención y enfoque multimétodo en Ciencias Humanas y educación matemática 

      GALLARDO PÉREZ, HENRY DE JESÚS; Vergel Ortega, Mawency; Villamizar Araque, Freddy Yesid (Logos Ciencia & TecnologíaBogota , Colombia, 2017-10-03)
      El artículo tiene como objetivo asociar la investigación intervención y el mentoring implementada en ciencias humanas en la educación matemática, así mismo analiza el multimétodo como enfoque de investigación en educación ...