Listar Instrumentación y Física de la Materia Condensada – GIFIMAC por título
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 39
Aplicación de FeO, ZnO y CuO como pigmentos en compuestos cerámicos
(Informador TécnicoBogota , Colombia, 2019-04-12)Entre los problemas más relevantes de la industria alfarera de Boyacá, Colombia, se encuentra la ausencia de una gama de tonalidades uniformes de sus productos finales. El color, por tratarse de una propiedad física ... -
Application of maturity method to estimate compressive strength of mass concrete
(Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesLondres, Reino Unido, 2019-11-29)The correlation between the maturity index and the compressive strength of concrete is validated for mixtures with strengths of 2000, 2500, 3000 and 3500 PSI, which are the most used in the civil engineering field. Temperature ... -
Arduino data-logger and artificial neural network to data analysis
(Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesBogota , Colombia, 2019-11-29)This work takes thermodynamic modelling through computer science for incubation process at domestic birds, that has presented energy consumption significantly high than energy used in processes. Thus, a data analysis was ... -
Characterization of commercial luminescent powders
(Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesLondres, Reino Unido, 2019-11-29)Luminescent powders have attracted the attention of scientists, boosting properties as specific as mechanoluminescence, thermoluminescence, and photoluminescence among other characteristics. The uses of these properties ... -
Coating of tricalcium phosphates by flame spray
(Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019-11-29)The metal alloys used for prostheses with high mechanical requirements are bioinerts, it means they have low integration with bone tissue, therefore, bioactive coatings are used in order to improve this integration. ... -
Design and characterization of a magneto-dielectric composite in high frequency with aligned magnetite powders
(Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesLondres, Reino Unido, 2019-11-29)A magneto-dielectric material composed of a polyester resin-based microstrip (P115A), copper sheets and magnetite powders was designed in concentrations of 10, 20 and 30% Wt and with filters of 200, 325 and 500. The particles ... -
Design and manufacture of the cooling system of JUPITER reactor
(Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesBogota , Colombia, 2019-02-25)The experimental investigations carried out in the Plasma laboratory of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, on superficial modification of metallic materials by hybrid discharges of high-voltage and electric arc at ... -
Design and simulation of a mechanical system for the machining of parts and printing in 3D (x, y, z)
(Revista UIS Ingenierías, 2020-07-30)The design and simulation of a multifunctional system for the machining of mechanical parts and printing in 3D (x, y, z) using CAD software Solid works, was used to determine the static behavior of the system with the ... -
Determination of correlation of compressive strength with maturity of concrete mixed with accelerator
(Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesLondres, Reino Unido, 2019-11-29)The compressive strength of concrete mixtures with accelerator additives designed for structural elements with strength of 5000 psi was correlated with the maturity index of concrete at an early age. The design of the ... -
Efecto de la concentración de magnetita en la estructura, propiedades eléctricas y magnéticas de un material compuesto a base de resina de poliéster
(TecnoLógicasBogota , Colombia, 2018-01-15)Se reporta el efecto de la concentración de polvos de magnetita (Fe3O4) sobre las propiedades eléctricas y magnéticas de un material compuesto a base de resina de poliéster termoestable. Las muestras se elaboraron mediante ... -
Effect of concentration of starch in the properties morphological and structural of porous ceramic based on expansive clays
(Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesLondres, Reino Unido, 2020-03-06)In this article is used the sacrificial material method to generate different porosities between 44.42% and 69.14% in ceramics based on expansive clays from San Jose de Cúcuta metropolitan area, Colombia, to analyze the ... -
Effect of surface roughness on nitriding processes by dielectric barrier discharges of carbon steel
(Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesBogota , Colombia, 2017-12-29)Changes in the behaviour of steels to carbon, for three different finishes, surfaces were determined to be nitride by atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge. The surfaces were characterized both morphologically ... -
Effective thermal properties and proximate analysis of coke-coal fines mixtures
(Reino Unido, 2021-06-04)We report the effective thermal properties at room temperature and proximate analysis of three mixtures of coke and carbon fines formed by uniaxial pressing at 30 MPa. Using differential scanning calorimetry and ... -
Effective thermal properties of a magnetite-polyester composite conformed in the presence of a constant magnetic field
(AIMS Materials ScienceWashintong D.C , Estados Unidos, 2019-07-02)In this study, we report the thermophysical properties (at room temperature) and the morphology of a composite with a polyester resin matrix and magnetite filler powders (Fe3O4), conformed in three configurations: randomly ... -
Elaboración y caracterización de recubimientps de polvos de ZnSCu y resinas de poliester sobre sustratos cerámicos de arcilla roja, para el diseño de fachadas y revestimientos arquitectónicos fosforescentes
(Bistua Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias BasicasBogota , Colombia, 2018)En este estudio se elaboran y caracterizan recubrimientos de polvos ZnSCu y resinas de poliéster termoestables sobre sustratos cerámicos de arcilla roja, para el diseño de fachadas y revestimientos arquitectónicos ... -
Elaborar y caracterizar pastas cementantes fosforescentes a base de geopolímeros dopados con aluminatos de estroncio para aplicaciones ambientales
(Universidad Francisco de Paula SantanderCúcuta, Norte de Santander, 2021-08-25)Dentro de las técnicas de tratamiento de aguas y aires, existe la fotocatálisis o fotoelectrocatalisis, donde el principio físico es la interacción de la radiación con la materia, utilizándose la radiación UV proveniente ... -
Electrochemical characterization of the steel wire used as reinforcement in the conductors transmission networks electricity nitride by ion implantation
(Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesBogota , Colombia, 2016-02-12)The power company feature infrastructure, which are generally shaped so the transmission and distribution lines, here is why it is necessary to characterize the process of electrochemical corrosion of these components. In ... -
Electrochemical synthesis of titanium dioxide nanostructures and its application in the in dye photocatalytic removal
(Reino Unido, 2021-06-04)By electrochemical anodization to titanium sheets, titanium dioxide nanostructures were sintered for 10 V and 20 V and times of 3 hours and 5 hours. For the electrolytic solution, 0.3 g of ammonium fluoride, 97 mL of ... -
ForistomApp a Web application for scientific and technological information management of Forsitom foundation
(Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesBogota , Colombia, 2017-12-29)Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are essential in the transfer of knowledge, and the Web tools, as part of ICT, are important for institutions seeking greater visibility of the products developed by their ... -
Manufacture of oxy-acetylene thermally sprayed coating on refractory subtrates from unconventional feedstock material
(DYNABogota , Colombia, 2018-04-01)A chromite mineral and two industrial residues produced in the petrochemical and thermoelectric industries, were selected, characterized, processed and deposited on refractory bricks. By means of X-ray fluorescence and ...