Now showing items 21-40 of 40

    • Experimental assessment of swelling potential in montmorillonite soils 

      Pérez, J C; Rojas Suárez, Jhan Piero; Orjuela Castro, Javier Arturo; Ruge Cárdenas, Juan Carlos; Cáceres, J R (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2021-06-09)
      The study of the physicochemical activity of clays is essential to understand the mechanical-hydraulic behavior. The experimental analysis of the expansivity of soils is linked to the content of clay minerals present in ...
    • First International Seminar on Physical Infrastructure (1st ISPI) 

      Yung Vargas, Yee Wan; Rodriguez Lizcano, Adriana; Ortiz Vasquez, L F; Rojas Suárez, J P; V. Niño, Ely Dannier (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2022-01-06)
      The First International Seminar on Physical Infrastructure (1st ISPI) was an academic and scientific event organized by the Road Infrastructure Research Group and the Road Infrastructure Research Seedbed of the Universidad ...
    • Formation of critical thinking related to the energetic efficiency of applied physics processes of civil engineering works 

      Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Reino Unido, 2021-06-11)
      Current problems associated to contamination and climate change claim for urgent solutions to make real a sustainable development of modern societies. To answer that call, the efficiency of applied physics processes must ...
    • Hydraulic modeling of combined sewers overflow integrating the results of the swmm and CFX models 

      Pulgarín, D A; De Plaza, J S; Ruge Cárdenas, Juan Carlos; Rojas, J P (Revista Internacional de Metodos Numericos para Calculo y Diseno en IngenieriaEspaña, 2021-01-19)
      This study proposes a methodology for the calibration of combined sewer overflow (CSO), incorporating the results of the three-dimensional ANSYS CFX model in the SWMM onedimensional model. The procedure consists of ...
    • Management of urban solid waste in the two first decades of the XXI century in the city of San José de Cúcuta, Colombia 

      Carrillo Soto, Gustavo Adolfo; Rojas Suárez, Jhan Piero; Sayago Ortega, Juan Carlos (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2019-11-19)
      The research developed in this study is exploratory, descriptive and the quantitative method, it characterizes the urban solid waste of the ten communes of the city of San José de Cúcuta and compares the results obtained ...
    • Mineralogical, microstructural and porosimetry analysis in three different clayey soils 

      Rojas Suárez, Jhan Piero; Ruge, J C; Palacios, X; Molina-Gómez, F (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2019-11-19)
      Diffraction, scanning electron microscope and helium porosimetry techniques have been shown to be suitable for obtaining physical and mineralogical properties in soil samples. The X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy allows ...
    • Novel method for stress history analysis in normally consolidated clays 

      Martinez, J H; Ruge Cárdenas, Juan Carlos; Rojas Suárez, Jhan Piero (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2021-06-09)
      The historical investigation of stresses in a clay material is essential to predict the compressible behaviour of a soil layer that, in most cases functions as a foundation support of superstructures. Because the stresses ...
    • Numerical simulation to evaluate the influence of geometric parameters on the physical behavior of heat e 

      Rojas Suárez, Jhan Piero; Pabón León, Jhon Antuny; Orjuela Abril, Martha Sofia (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021)
      In the present investigation, a methodology was developed by means of numerical simulation for the evaluation of the influence of the geometric parameters of the heat exchangers used in thermoelectric generation devices. ...
    • Operational data set of a 2 MW natural gas-fired generation engine at shutdown times 

      Valencia Ochoa, Guillermo; Rojas Suárez, Jhan Piero; Duarte Forero, Jorge (Data in BriefPaíses Bajos, 2020-06)
      In this paper, operational data of a natural gas-fired generation engine at 2 MW of power is presented. This engine is used as part of the power supply system of a flexible packaging transformation and conversion plant. ...
    • Operational Failure Detection Applied to Heat Exchange Systems Using State Observer Method 

      Rojas Suárez, Jhan Piero; Espinel Blanco, Edwin; Florez, Eder (International Review of Automatic ControlItalia, 2021)
      The role of computational modeling is becoming predominant in the exploration and evaluation of new technologies. Numerical simulations have solved the most complex phenomena immersed in thermal sciences by the implementation ...
    • Parametric Study of a Hybrid Renewable Energy Power Generation System in the Colombian Caribbean Region 

      Rojas Suárez, Jhan Piero; Romero-Garcia , Gonzalo; Villada Castillo, Dora Clemencia (International Journal of Energy Economics and PolicyTurquía, 2022-03-20)
      The global environmental problems have increased the interest in renewable energies, in this article a wind-solar hybrid system is proposed as an alternative for energy production. To carry out this study, the research ...
    • Renewable Energies Resources Evaluation using a Geographic Information Systems in the Colombian Caribbean Region 

      Romero-Garcia , Gonzalo; Villada Castillo, Dora Clemencia; Rojas Suárez, Jhan Piero (Turkia, 2021-11-05)
      This manuscript presents an integral evaluation of the use of wind and solar resources in the Colombian Caribbean region. For the use of solar and wind energy sources, spatial restrictions according to topography, natural ...
    • Resistance under Marshall monotonic load for asphalt concrete mixtures 

      Yung Vargas, Yee Wan; Rodriguez Lizcano, Adriana; Peña Soto, C A (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2022-01-06)
      The dense hot MDC-19 type asphalt mixes are considered, by the “Instituto Nacional de Vías” in Colombia, as continuous grading asphalt mixes (asphalt concrete). These constitute most of the surface course, in the structures ...
    • A review about the use of industrial by-products in the lightweight aggregates production of expanded clay 

      caceres rubio, jose rafael; Sanchez Molina, Jorge; Rojas Suárez, Jhan Piero (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2019-11-19)
      The fabrication lightweight aggregates in recent years has included the addition of industrial by-products in the expanded clay manufacture as modifier agents of the expansion capacity, and also as a destination for the ...
    • Simulation study of phase change materials operating in thermoelectric devices 

      Orjuela Abril, Martha Sofia ; Pabón León, J A; Rojas Suárez, J P (Reino Unido, 2021-06-04)
      In this paper, a computerized analysis is performed to evaluate the effect of phase change materials on the performance of thermoelectric generators. This study was conducted using commercial OpenFOAM software. Analyze ...
    • Statistical analysis of wastewater monitoring for maximum peak factor estimation 

      calixto, nelson javier; Bonilla, Carlos; Rojas Suárez, Jhan Piero (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2021-08-09)
      The design and operation of sanitary sewerage systems are based on the knowledge of peak and the average daily wastewater flows. The maximum peak factor is obtained through the ratio of the maximum flow and the average ...
    • Study of performance and emissions in diesel engines operating with biodiesel from soybean oil and water emulsions 

      Orjuela Abril, Martha Sofia ; Rojas Suárez, Jhan Piero; Duarte Forero, Jorge (Aibi, Revista de Investigacion Administracion e IngenieriasCúcuta, Colombia, 2021-01-01)
      Este estudio evalúa la influencia en el proceso de combustión, consumo de combustible y emisiones contaminantes en un motor diesel, que opera con biodiesel a partir de aceite de soja y emulsiones de agua con porcentajes ...
    • Technical feasibility study for the implementation of pedestrian safety mechanisms 

      Rojas Suárez, Jhan Piero; Orjuela Abril, Martha Sofia ; Prada Botia, Gaudy Carolina (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2019-11-19)
      The increase in distractions when driving or walking on a road has proportionally increased the number of accidents that occur each year, with pedestrians being the most affected. For this reason, an attempt is made to ...
    • Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity in Composite Porous Media 

      Piero Rojas, Jhan; Ruge, Juan Carlos; Carrillo, Gustavo Adolfo (Applied SciencesSuiza, 2022-09-09)
      Determining the constitutive properties that describe the incipient hydraulic behavior of the materials, including the matrix domains and the distribution of macro and micropores, is crucial to analyzing the preferential ...
    • Vehicular flow analysis and diagnosis of the public transport 

      Rojas Suárez, Jhan Piero; Orjuela Abril, Martha Sofia ; Prada Botia, Gaudy Carolina (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2019-02-13)
      Public transport is one of the major means of mobilization for the general population of a country, achieving great importance to its policies of mobilization and economic analysis because it creates controversy to have a ...