Hydraulic modeling of combined sewers overflow integrating the results of the swmm and CFX models
Artículo de revista
Revista Internacional de Metodos Numericos para Calculo y Diseno en Ingenieria
This study proposes a methodology for the calibration of combined sewer overflow (CSO),
incorporating the results of the three-dimensional ANSYS CFX model in the SWMM onedimensional model. The procedure consists of constructing calibration curves in ANSYS CFX
that relate the input flow to the CSO with the overflow, to then incorporate them into the
SWMM model. The results obtained show that the behavior of the flow over the crest of the
overflow weir varies in space and time. Therefore, the flow of entry to the CSO and the flow
of excesses maintain a non-linear relationship, contrary to the results obtained in the onedimensional model. However, the uncertainty associated with the idealization of flow
methodologies in one dimension is reduced under the SWMM model with kinematic wave
conditions and simulating CSO from curves obtained in ANSYS CFX. The result obtained
facilitates the calibration of combined sewer networks for permanent or non-permanent
flow conditions, by means of the construction of curves in a three-dimensional model,
especially when the information collected in situ is limited.