Geología, Geotecnia y Minería – GEOENERGIA
Recent Submissions
Thermodynamic study of a supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton cycle based on main compression intercooling configuration
(Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2021-06-09)This study presents detailed thermodynamic modeling of a supercritical Brayton cycle operating with carbon dioxide as a working fluid for electric power generation. The study incorporates a main compression intercooling ... -
La ética en la formación del ingeniero de minas: representaciones sociales de actores educativos
(TecnuraBogotá, Colombia, 2015-04-01)El presente artículo muestra los resultados de una investigación cualitativa que buscó comprender las representaciones sociales de docentes y estudiantes sobre la ética en una institución de educación superior en Cúcuta, ... -
Coda waves’ tomography for surficial exploration
(Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y NaturalesBogotá, Colombia, 2015-04-26)This work extrapolates the application of coda-waves’ imaging, in order to determine lateral anomalies of attenuation for surficial targets, and providing experimental elements that justify its use in an economic way with ... -
Effect of the mass flow rate on the heat transfer phenomena in a shell and tube heat exchanger
(International Journal of Applied Engineering ResearchIndia, 2018)This article presents the development of some case studies on shell and tube heat exchangers using a graphical interface developed in MATLAB®. Through the case studies, the variation in the performance of the equipment ... -
Effort and safety factor in the unions of wooden structures used as carbon mine sustainability, mine case Baseli, Colombia
(Contemporary Engineering SciencesBulgaria, 2018-08-30)The research has been dedicated to the study of the calculation of the stresses and design conditions given by the safety factor of operation of the structural members of the mines that use wood as their main support ... -
Heat transfer generated in an underground mining environment
(Contemporary Engineering SciencesBulgaria, 2018-10-18)The article presents the results of the heat transfer analysis that is generated in an underground environment, specifically in coal mines. The objective is to observe the variability of the results, comparing mines with ... -
Análisis próximos y petrografía orgánica del carbón de la formación Los Cuervos en el sector de Chucarima (Chitagá, Norte de Santander) Colombia
(Boletín de Ciencias de la TierraColombia, 2019-01-01)En este estudio se analizaron los macerales y análisis próximos de los carbones de la formación Cuervos perteneciente a la mina La Lomita ubicada en la vereda de San Luís de Chucarima del Municipio de Chitagá (Norte de ... -
Implementación de la prueba de tetrazolio en las semillas de Raphanus sativus L
(Revista Facultad de Ciencias BásicasColombia, 2020-08-14)El Rábano (Raphanus sativus) es una especie de gran importancia por sus propiedades nutricionales, el alto porcentaje de aceite en sus semillas y la gran cantidad de metabolitos aprovechables. La producción de este cultivo ... -
Currículo para la formación en investigación, innovación y pensamiento socio-crítico apoyado en TIC
(Revista Boletín RedipeColombia, 2020-05-01)La investigación parte de un análisis documental con enfoque cualitativo. Su objetivo es diseñar la tendencia curricular para orientar cursos, módulos y asignaturas de los diferentes programas académicos de la universidad ... -
Modelo de quíntuple hélice en la generación de ejes estratégicos durante y postpandemia 2020
(Revista Boletín RedipeColombia, 2020-09-01)La investigación tiene como propósito validar el modelo de quíntuple hélice identificando ejes estratégicos como factores que influyen la formación de los estudiantes de la universidad Francisco de Paula Santander-Cúcuta-Colombia, ... -
Use of Bézier curves in the design of the displacement law of the cam-follower mechanism: Von Mises effective Stress
(Revista UIS IngenieríasColombia, 2020-07-01)Designing cams by Bézier Curves has become increasingly common, since the mathematical development of this method is less complex. Bezier curves are Bernstein-based polynomials under a unitary domain, and in that sense, ... -
Factors associated with capacities development in learning physic associate on numerical systems and Hamming code
(Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2020-11-05)the research uses mixed, participatory action research tools within qualitative research, and factor analysis from the positivist approach; identifies and analyses factors associated with problem solving in capacity ... -
Artisanal filter with geo-materials: a basic water treatment alternative for human consumption in marginal areas
(Contemporary Engineering SciencesBulgaria, 2018-11-29)The article presents the design and development of filters (easy to implement in homes) that have the capacity to eliminate microorganisms and chemical substances; therefore, they act as handmade water purifiers. It ...