Now showing items 21-40 of 71

    • Modelo estructural para evaluar el estrés en profesionales que orientan a la niñez en programas de formación inclusiva 

      GALLARDO PÉREZ, HENRY DE JESÚS; Vergel Ortega, Mawency; Gómez Vergel, Carlos Sebastian (Logos Ciencia & TecnologíaBogota , Colombia, 2018-04-01)
      La investigación tuvo por objetivo crear un modelo estructura asociado a establecer la validez y fiabilidad de escala para evaluar el estrés en docentes de instituciones educativas que orientan clases a niños en situación ...
    • Patrones en mosaicos Y Teselados desde Composiciones Geométricas 

      CADENA GONZALEZ, INNIAS MIGUEL; Vergel Ortega, Mawency; Delgado Rojas, Julio Alfredo (Logos Ciencia & TecnologíaBogota , Colombia, 2018-03-20)
      La investigación tiene por objeto geometrizar indicadores del espacio público. A partir de una metodología de diseño geométrica se generaron teselas que respondieran a la lógica matemática, y conservara un carácter artístico ...
    • Epistemological conception of the role of the media in education 

      Belandria Osma, Luz Mery; Nieto Sanchez, Zulmary Carolina; Vergel Ortega, Mawency (Logos Ciencia & TecnologíaLondres, Reino Unido, 2018-07-01)
      The media represent, together with education, one of the forces of change of the universal society. The recent years have imposed modalities and technologies that raise their influence, instantaneity and geographic ...
    • GeoDat@Urbano: Estrategia para la producción de proyectos urbanos y arquitectónicos 

      Delgado Rojas, Julio Alfredo; Gómez Vergel, Carlos Sebastian; Vergel Ortega, Mawency (Logos Ciencia & TecnologíaBogota , Colombia, 2018-07-01)
      La investigación tiene por objeto desarrollar competencias en estudiantes de arquitectura para la presentación de proyectos urbano- arquitectónicos con argumentos contextualizados, utiliza como método la aplicación de la ...
    • The development of reflective thought for the training in integral people 

      Martínez Lozano, José Joaquín; Paz Montes, Luisa Stella; Vergel Ortega, Mawency (Logos Ciencia & TecnologíaBogota , Colombia, 2018-07-01)
      In this article we present results of research whose objective was to analyze experiences in the growth of plants such as the Duranta and Salvia where the student develops competences in posing and solving problems ...
    • School success, attitude towards science and interpersonal relations 

      SANTIAGO CARRILLO, MARTHA CECILIA; Paz Montes, Luisa Stella; Vergel Ortega, Mawency (Logos Ciencia & TecnologíaBogota , Colombia, 2018-08-01)
      Students who are excellent in their academic performance face challenges and difficulties associated with the social relationships they develop when living within the school environment. In similar studies, there ...
    • Social representations in the interaction with students of the Inga tribes 

      Vilela Govea, Gabriela Elizabeth; Paz Montes, Luisa Stella; Vergel Ortega, Mawency (Logos Ciencia & TecnologíaCiudad de Mexico , Mexico, 2018-08-01)
      Citizen competences as a transversal axis in education in Colombia have had a characteristic development within the pedagogical practices in the different educational levels. The purpose of the research was to understand ...
    • Estrategias Geométricas de Configuraciones Urbanas 

      Mariño Díaz, Javier Alberto; Vergel Ortega, Mawency; Delgado Rojas, Julio Alfredo (Logos Ciencia & TecnologíaBogota , Colombia, 2019-01-22)
      Este artículo toma como génesis las lógicas de las formas geométricas en la producción de arquitectura. En búsqueda de generar otras alternativas de composición geométrica, se proyecta todo un proceso de experimentación, ...
    • El Paisaje Arquitectónico y sonoro del Campanario de la Catedral de San José de Cúcuta. 

      Delgado Rojas, Julio Alfredo; Diaz Umaña, Yannette; Vergel Ortega, Mawency (Logos Ciencia & TecnologíaBogota , Colombia, 2019-01-20)
      Este artículo tuvo como objetivo analizar las particularidades de las cuatro campanas y la torre, que compone el campanario de la Catedral de San José de Cúcuta, así como también su impacto en el paisaje sonoro de esta ...
    • Validity of microrubri, instrument to measure the development of competences in mathematics 

      Vergel Ortega, Mawency; Martínez Lozano, José Joaquín; ORTEGA SIERRA, ALVARO (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesLondres, Inglaterra, 2019-02-13)
      The article presents the validity and reliability of the MICRORUBRI instrument based on rubrics, with problems applied to engineering that allow analyzing situations in real context, as well as the generation, visualization ...
    • Student leaders profile according to the United Nations model a factorial analysis 

      Rincón Leal, Jaime Fernando; Rincón Leal, Olga Lucy; Vergel Ortega, Mawency (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesMadrid , España, 2019-09-30)
      The objective of this research was to create a structural model able to explain the profile of student leaders during their youth stage, by implementing the pedagogical model form national university organization, in order ...
    • Communications skills from methodology creative and model of the united nations 

      Rincón Leal, Jaime Fernando; Rincón Leal, Olga Lucy; Vergel Ortega, Mawency (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesMadrid , España, 2020-02-06)
      this article is result of the research which main objective was analyzed factors and influence of methodology creative and nations united model in the development of abilities in communication of the students of the ninth ...
    • Nociones de apropiación del espacio pùblico: una mirada a las ventas informales en la ciudad de Cúcuta 

      Diaz Umaña, Yannette; Vergel Ortega, Mawency; Parra López, Héctor Miguel (Revista Boletin RedipeBogota , Colombia, 2019-04-01)
      El deterioro físico de las áreas centrales en algunas de las ciudades en Colombia genera la pérdida progresiva de demanda para la implantación de nuevas actividades, en especial las que implican innovación, dado que la ...
    • Carbides formation in weld metal produced by recycling of titanium maching swarf 

      Jácome Carrascal, José Leonardo; Bracarense, A Q; Moreno, A M; Gallego, J; Ventrella, V A; Fagundes, J G (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesBogota , Colombia, 2019-11-29)
      Application of titanium alloys for orthodontic implants have increase in last years and it has generated a great amount of titanium chips which are disposed as metal scrap. Titanium carbide has high hardness and can be ...
    • Factores que inciden en la aplicación de números racionales en educación básica secundaria en una zona de frontera. 

      Rueda-Archila, Nayibe; Romero-Pérez, David; Gómez Vergel, Carlos Sebastian (Revista De Investigación, Administración E Ingeniería AibiBogota , Colombia, 2020-07-01)
      Este artículo es resultado de la investigación; cuyo objetivo fue identificar los factores que inciden en el aprendizaje de las operaciones básicas con los números racionales en el área de matemáticas en el grado sexto ...
    • Inteligencia emocional en la formación inicial de docentes 

      Rincón Leal, Olga Lucy; SANTIAGO CARRILLO, MARTHA CECILIA; Caceres Carvajal, Maria Olga (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesMadrid , España, 2019-09-30)
      The objective of the article is to evaluate emotional intelligence in the initial teacher training of the mathematics bachelor program at the "Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander", San José de Cúcuta, Colombia. The ...
    • Cathedral bells San José de Cúcuta: Heritage and acoustics 

      Vergel Ortega, Mawency; Delgado Rojas, Julio Alfredo; Diaz Umaña, Yannette (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesBogota , Colombia, 2019-09-30)
      The objective of this research was to analyze the characteristics of the bells and dynamic particularities of the bell tower of the cathedral of San José de Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, Colombia. The research had a mixed ...
    • Factors associated with capacities development in learning physic associate on numerical systems and Hamming code 

      Bustos Urbano, Víctor Jhoel ; Vergel Ortega, Mawency; Rojas Suárez, Jhan Piero (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesMadrid , España, 2020-11-05)
      the research uses mixed, participatory action research tools within qualitative research, and factor analysis from the positivist approach; identifies and analyses factors associated with problem solving in capacity ...
    • Fostering mathematical logical intelligence in primary school students 

      GALLARDO PÉREZ, HENRY DE JESÚS; Vergel Ortega, Mawency; Márquez Patiño, R A (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesLondres , Inglaterra, 2020-02-06)
      Education must form thinking people, who develop all their potentialities, among them, those referring to mathematical logical intelligence. The objective is to elaborate a didactic proposal that fosters mathematical logical ...
    • Impacts of the mathematical clinic in the academic performance of the students 

      SANTIAGO CARRILLO, MARTHA CECILIA; Vergel Ortega, Mawency; Parra López, Héctor Miguel (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesMadrid , España, 2019-11-26)
      The article present the scopes of the pedagogic model called "mathematical clinic" evaluated in students of fourth and fifth grade of the "Escuela Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, San José de Cúcuta, Colombia", which has as ...