Innovación y Gestión Productiva - GIINGPRO
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Uso de la cáscara de mamón (Melicoccus bijugatus) para el teñido de telas
(Avances en QuímicaVenezuela, 2016-12-30)Este trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar que la cáscara de Melicoccus bijugatus puede ser utilizada para obtener un colorante para telas. Por el método de reflujo, con NaOH 0,25 N como solvente de extracción, se obtuvo un ... -
Neuromarketing como herramienta de planificación en la gestión municipal
(Revista Colombiana de Tecnologías de AvanzadaColombia, 2017-06-06)El estudio tuvo como propósito inicial analizar el neuromarketing como herramienta de planificación en la gestión municipal. Metodológicamente basado en un paradigma post-positivista, como un estudio cualitativo etnográfico ... -
Glocalización: enfoque para la internacionalización comercial en Norte de Santander frente al nacionalismo económico de Estados Unidos
(Revista Libre EmpresaColombia, 2017-07-01)El propósito del artículo es resaltar la importancia de la internacionalización comercial de Norte de Santander, dentro de la perspectiva de la glocalización frente al nacionalismo económico de Estados Unidos, mediante ... -
Factores de éxito de la certificación ISO 9001 en empresas de Cúcuta y su Área Metropolitana
(Estudios gerencialesColombia, 2018-06-22)Ante el reto que representa para las empresas de la ciudad de Cúcuta (Colombia) implementar un Sistema de Gestión de Calidad (SGC) que les permita ofrecer servicios de calidad, garantizando su sostenibilidad y rentabilidad, ... -
Verification of compression resistance between a conventional concrete and its addition of 5, 10 and 15% in volume of fly ash replacing fine aggregate
(Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2018-12-07)A comparative analysis was performed with regarding the compression resistance of a conventional concrete mixture and its experimental addition of 5, 10 and 15% of fly ash with respect to the volume of its fine aggregate. ... -
Motivation and performance of students of an engineering program in the realization of industrial practices
(Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2018-12-07)Industrial internships become the first approach to working life for students in their last semester and the first approach to develop the skills learned during their professional training. The Industrial Engineering program ... -
Organizational philosophy as a vehicle of action in the competitive development of SMEs
(Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2018-12-07)The purpose of the study was to analyze organizational philosophy as a vehicle for action in the competitive development of SMEs. Based on a post-positivist paradigm with a hermeneutic phenomenological approach of qualitative ... -
El aprendizaje basado en proyectos, una experiencia en las prácticas industriales del Programa de Ingeniería Industrial de la UFPS
(BISTUA Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias BásicasColombia, 2019-03-01)Las prácticas Industriales se convierten en la primera experiencia de desarrollo de proyectos en el ámbito laboral. El desarrollo de un proyecto que brinde soluciones empresariales, permite desenvolver las competencias ... -
Production of lightweight red ceramic floor tiles with addition of thermoelectric plant coal fly ash and its effect on physic mechanical properties
(Production of lightweight red ceramic floor tiles with addition of thermoelectric plant coal fly ash and its effect on physic mechanical propertiesReino Unido, 2019-11-19)Fly ash obtained from coal combustion was used as a partial substitute of clay material for lightweight red ceramic floor tiles production by pressing. Raw materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction and X-ray ... -
Modelo analítico para acreditación de alta calidad en programas de ingeniería, una experiencia en la Unipamplona
(Revista Educación en IngenieríaColombia, 2019-03-08)La Acreditación de Alta Calidad es el reconocimiento que realiza el Estado Colombiano, tanto a las instituciones que hacen parte del sistema universitario estatal, como a sus programas de pregrado y postgrado. Este ... -
Perception of stiffness trend in city residential buildings
(Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2019-09-30)In this project, a descriptive research was carried out in order to analyze, evaluate and detail the behavior of buildings between 4 and 18 floors of residential use in the City of San José de Cúcuta, Colombia, at the ... -
Impact of the socio-constructivist approach for the acquisition of mathematical competence in third and fifth grade elementary students
(International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and TechnologyIndia, 2020-04-11)The process of construction of competencies and specifically of mathematical competencies in the rural area requires a great deal of effort both for the student and for the teacher due to the many characteristics of the ... -
Students' perception of an engineering program on student mobility and its impact on integral formation
(Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2019-11-19)Student mobility is considered as one of the strategies used in universities for the internationalization of higher education, an important factor within the program accreditation model defined by the National Accreditation ... -
Computer-aided simulation of the energetic and exergetic efficiency of a two-stage cascade cooling cycle
(International Journal of Applied Engineering ResearchIndia, 2018)Refrigeration systems are of great importance in industry and are widely used in food preservation or air conditioning. Studies have been carried out in recent years in search of parameters to optimise the cycle by ... -
Comparison of a transtibial socket design obtained by additive manufacturing and reverse engineering and a traditional model
(Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2018-12-07)The purpose of this article is to present manufacturing methodologies through reverse engineering of socket design for a transtibial amputee, bearing in mind that it is a customized product. In addition, the traditional ... -
Characterization of Emissions in a Diesel Engine Using Biodiesel Blends Produced from Agro-Industrial Residues of Elaeis Guineensis
(International Journal on Energy ConversionItalia, 2020-03)This study investigates the influence of biodiesel blends produced from agro-industrial residues of palm oil (Elaeis guineensis), on the performance and emission characteristics of a small diameter single-cylinder diesel ... -
Analysis and statistical projection of vehicle occupancy using average annual daily traffic in the city
(Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2020-08-05)The excess of both private and public vehicles has hindered the mobility of large cities and, likewise, has begun to affect small cities, increasing environmental pollution, accidents, mortality, among others. The following ... -
Cálculo del número de Poiseuille para flujo laminar plenamente desarrollado en ductos de diferentes secciones trasversales
(AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e IngenieríaColombia, 2020-05-01)El uso de ductos es una alternativa importante en el transporte de fluidos, siendo un problema común de ingeniería obtener lacaída (pérdida) de presión o transferencia de calor en el fluido. Para evaluar estos fenómenos, ... -
Carbon footprint analysis and advanced exergo-environmental modeling of a waste heat recovery system based on a recuperative organic Rankine cycle
(Journal of Cleaner ProductionReino Unido, 2020-07-17)The excessive and irrational use of non-renewable energy is the consequence of the interaction of economic growth and environmental pollution. Therefore, it is increasingly necessary to propose energy and environmental ... -
Coffee Husk as Feldspar Substitute in the Manufacture of Enameled Ceramic Tile
(Ciencia e Ingeniería NeogranadinaColombia, 2020-12-09)This study researches the effect of adding coffee husk (ch) and coffee husk ash (cha) as partial feldspar substitutes to the manufacture of enameled ceramic tiles. Clays and other paste additives were ...