• Teaching physics through the implementation of a didactic strategy for the integration of knowledge in secondary school students 

      Prada Nuñez, Raul; Hernández, C A; Gamboa, A A (Reino Unido, 2021-05-21)
      The objective was to evaluate the implementation of the knowledge integration model in high school students studying physics in a public educational institution in the city of San José de Cúcuta, Colombia. A quasi-experimental ...
    • Active learning and knowledge in physics: a reading from classroom work 

      Prada Nuñez, Raul; C A, Hernández Suarez; Gamboa, A A (Reino Unido, 2021-05-22)
      This research article shows the findings of a study that sought to demonstrate the results of a methodological intervention implemented in classes of an eleventh-grade course in the area of Physics, in a public school ...
    • Gains in active learning of physics: a measurement applying the test of understanding graphs of kinematics 

      Hernández, C A; Prada Núñez, R; Gamboa, A A (Reino Unido, 2021-06-11)
      To teach the subject of physics in the classroom it is required that the teacher has and plans to carry a didactic strategy with him. Within this context is the methodology called Active physics learning, which is a ...
    • Gestión tecnológica estratégica: uso del ecosistema de la web social 2.0 en educación superior 

      HERNANDEZ SUAREZ, CESAR AUGUSTO; Prada Nuñez, Raul; Aloiso, Audin (Revista Venezolana de GerenciaVenezuela, 2021-08-07)
      El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar la gestión tecnológica estratégica a partir de los docentes de la universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, para vigilar y focalizar el empleo del ecosistema de la Web 2.0 en ...
    • Teaching physics through the implementation of a didactic strategy for the integration of knowledge in secondary school students 

      Prada Nuñez, Raul; HERNANDEZ SUAREZ, CESAR AUGUSTO; Aloiso, Audin (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2021-08-09)
      The objective was to evaluate the implementation of the knowledge integration model in high school students studying physics in a public educational institution in the city of San José de Cúcuta, Colombia. A quasi-experimental ...
    • Active learning and knowledge in physics: a reading from classroom work 

      HERNANDEZ SUAREZ, CESAR AUGUSTO; Prada Nuñez, Raul; Aloiso, Audin (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2021-08-09)
      This research article shows the findings of a study that sought to demonstrate the results of a methodological intervention implemented in classes of an eleventh-grade course in the area of Physics, in a public school ...
    • Didactic Engineering as a research method in physics teaching 

      Avendaño Castro, William Rodrigo; Gamboa Suárez, Audin Aloiso; Prada Nuñez, Raul (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021-08-26)
      Several mathematical concepts have application in physics; this paper reports the results of a pedagogical investigation based on the methodology known as didactic engineering, which has been proposed with the aim of ...
    • Digital portfolio: A tool for learning physics 

      Espinel Rubio, Gladys Adriana; C A, Hernández Suarez; L S, Paz Montes (Reino Unido, 2021-11-01)
      The digital portfolio is a student-student, student-teacher interaction tool where formative assessment plays an important role in the learning of physics, with which the progress of students is monitored, the entire ...
    • Physics learning based on the use of concept maps 

      Pabón-Galán, C A; Hernández-Suarez, C A; Paz-Montes, L S (2021-11-18)
      Concept maps are graphic learning tools that allow teachers and students to organize, represent knowledge, and visualize the relationships between concepts to promote understanding of physics. This study describes an ...
    • Education, innovation, entrepreneurship, growth and development in Latin America 

      Rincón Soto, Idana Beroska; Rengifo Lozano, Raúl Alberto; Hernández Suárez, César; Prada Núñez, Raúl (2022-07-01)
      The importance of education to promote the processes inherent to innovation and entrepreneurship is currently of vital importance in professional training, which in turn links the impact it has on macroeconomic variables ...
    • Mathematical Modelling As A Tool To Understand Everyday Situations 

      Prada Núñez, Raúl; Hernández Suárez, César Augusto; Gamboa Suárez, Audin Aloiso (Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 2022-11-09)
      This research reports the effects derived from the application of mathematical modelling in classroom work within the development of mathematics classes, which allowed the resignification of the ...
    • Formative Meaning Of Teaching Practice 

      Freire Tigreros, María Eufemia; Gamboa Suárez, Audin Aloiso; Prada Núñez, Raúl (Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 2022-11-09)
      The perception that four teachers and one hundred students have of their teaching practices with theoretical support was explored, which served as a basis for discussion, of the incidence of teacher training ...
    • Education And Prevention: Strategies To Prevent Adolescent Suicide 

      Gómez, Guillermo; Gamboa Suárez, Audin Aloiso; Prada Núñez, Raúl (Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 2023-05-01)
      Gatekeepers Training (GKT) is one of the most widely used and disseminated programs worldwide to train personnel in suicide prevention. The purpose of the program is to acquire the necessary skills and competencies to ...