• S-curve and landscape maps for the analysis of trends on industrial textile wastewater treatment 

      Urbina-Suarez, Nestor Andres; Angel-Ospina, Astrid C.; Lopez-Barrera, German Luciano; Barajas Solano, andres F; Machuca-Martínez, Fiderman (Environmental Advances, 2024-01-18)
      The textile industry is one of the most important and economically significant industries in the world. China is the largest textile producer, for countries such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Malaysia this sector is ...
    • El saber administrativo: Entre teorías y modas 

      Arenas Pérez, Luz Stella; Ordoñez Santos, Mary Luz (Revista EspaciosVenezuela, 2016)
      Este artículo es producto del proyecto de investigación denominado Enfoques Cognitivos y modelos teóricos de los procesos investigativos en el campo de las Ciencias Administrativas; hace un recorrido por el desarrollo ...
    • Saber, manipulación y poder. La universidad como institución social 

      MURCIA PEÑA, NAPOLEON; AMBOA SUAREZ, AUDIN ALOISO (El Ágora UsbMedellín, Colombia, 2015-01-26)
      El texto es una reflexión sobre la universidad como institución social, realizada a partir de varios estudios desarrollados en cuyos hallazgos se evidencia, en primer lugar, el interés de algunas estancias por convertirla ...
    • Satisfacción laboral de los docentes: un análisis desde los factores extrínsecos e intrínsecos 

      Avendaño Castro, William Rodrigo; luna, henry; rueda vera, gerson (Revista Venezolana de GerenciaCaracas, Venezuela, 2021-08-07)
      La satisfacción laboral se constituye en un elemento identificador del ambiente de trabajo, la productividad y de la motivación en cualquier tipo de organización o institución, al respecto, este artículo presenta un análisis ...
    • School success in mathematics and the impact on interpersonal relations 

      GALLARDO PÉREZ, HENRY DE JESÚS; Vergel Ortega, Mawency; Santiago Carrillo, M C (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019-02-13)
      Students who are excellent in their academic performance face challenges and difficulties associated with the social relationships they develop when living within the school environment. In similar studies, there are ...
    • School success in mathematics and the impact on interpersonal relations 

      SANTIAGO CARRILLO, MARTHA CECILIA; Vergel Ortega, Mawency; GALLARDO PÉREZ, HENRY DE JESÚS (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesBogota , Colombia, 2019-02-13)
      Students who are excellent in their academic performance face challenges and difficulties associated with the social relationships they develop when living within the school environment. In similar studies, there are ...
    • School success, attitude towards science and interpersonal relations 

      SANTIAGO CARRILLO, MARTHA CECILIA; Paz Montes, Luisa Stella; Vergel Ortega, Mawency (Logos Ciencia & TecnologíaBogota , Colombia, 2018-08-01)
      Students who are excellent in their academic performance face challenges and difficulties associated with the social relationships they develop when living within the school environment. In similar studies, there ...
    • Scientific competencies around the study of physics in secondary school students. A review of knowledge 

      HERNANDEZ SUAREZ, CESAR AUGUSTO; luna, henry; Avendaño Castro, William Rodrigo (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020-12-01)
      This research seeks to analyze the degree of promotion and development of scientific competences based on the document Basic Standards of Competences in Natural Sciences proposed by the Ministerio de Educación Nacional, ...
    • Scientific skills in the physics learning process. A pilot study in secondary education 

      Avendaño Castro, William Rodrigo; HERNANDEZ SUAREZ, CESAR AUGUSTO; Aloiso, Audin (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020-12-16)
      The objective of this article is to identify the competencies of students studying the subject of natural sciences - physics at the high school level, in accordance with the curricular guidelines of the Ministerio de ...
    • Scientometric analysis of research on emissions control from 2007 to 2017 

      Acevedo Peñaloza, Carlos Humberto; Valencia, Guillermo; Cardenas Escorcia, Yulineth; Quiñones, Diego H.; Camargo Vanegas, Josué (International Journal of Applied Engineering ResearchColombia, 2018-01)
      A scientometric analysis of the production of scientific publications on emissions control from 2007 to 2017 was carried out. HistCite was used to analyze information collected from Web of Science (WoS) on this topic during ...
    • Scientometric analysis of research on eSports from 2007 to 2017 

      Camargo Vanegas, Josué; Cárdenas-Gutiérrez, Javier Alfonso; Valencia Ochoa, Guillermo (Contemporary Engineering SciencesBulgaria, 2018-08-30)
      A scientometric analysis about eSports publications from 2007 to 2017 was carried out. HistCite was used to analyze the data collected from Web of Science during the period mentioned. The results suggest that eSports ...
    • Sector del calzado en contextos de frontera: un análisis desde la tasa de cambio y el EBITDA en la rentabilidad del patrimonio 

      GUARDIOLA PLAZAS, LUIS FERNANDO; rueda vera, gerson; Avendaño Castro, William Rodrigo (Revista EspaciosVenezuela, 2020-06-18)
      El presente artículo de investigación muestra un análisis sobre la relación entre la tasa de cambio, la rentabilidad del patrimonio y el Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization, (EBITDA) del sector ...
    • SEED: A software tool and an active-learning strategy for data structures courses 

      Adarme Jaimes, Marco Antonio; Jabba Molinares, Daladier (Computer Applications in Engineering EducationEstados Unidos, 2018-03-13)
      SEED is a software tool designed for Java consisting of a class library and a set of simulators to facilitate learning of the main data structures. The educational component is based on an active case-solving methodology ...
    • Seguridad vial y procesos psicológicos: acciones preventivas 

      Riaño-Garzón, Manuel; Raynaud Prado, Nathalie Claire; DIAZ-CAMARGO, EDGAR (Revista Logos Ciencia & TecnologíaColombia, 2017-01-01)
      El artículo revisa la relación entre los procesos psicológicos y la seguridad vial desde una postura preventiva con el fin de proporcionar evidencias sobre alternativas utilizadas en terapia que puedan ser de utilidad para ...
    • SEMGROMI—a semantic grouping algorithm to identifying microservices using semantic similarity of user stories 

      Vera-Rivera, F. H.; Puerto Cuadros, Eduard Gilberto; PEREZ GUTIERREZ, BORIS RAINIERO; Astudillo, Hernán; Gaona, Carlos (PeerJ Computer Science, 2023-05-12)
      Microservices is an architectural style for service-oriented distributed computing, and is being widely adopted in several domains, including autonomous vehicles, sensor networks, IoT systems, energy systems, telecommunications ...
    • A Semi-Physical Modeling of the Combustion Chamber and Inlet Manifold of a 2 MW Natural Gas Generation Engine 

      Valencia Ochoa, Guillermo; Duarte Forero, Jorge; Acevedo Peñaloza, Carlos Humberto (International Review on Modelling and SimulationsItalia, 2020-02)
      This article presents a sensitivity analysis based on a validated model of average value in natural gas generation engines under the phenomenologically based semi-physical modeling methodology, which includes both the ...
    • Sensitivity analysis and multi-objective optimization of the energy, exergy and thermo-economic performance of a Brayton supercritical CO2-ORC configurations 

      VALENCIA OCHOA, GUILLERMO; Villada Castillo, Dora Clemencia; Mendoza-Casseres, Daniel (Energy Reports, 2023-03-25)
      The following research compared some energy, exergetic and thermo-economic indicators of a supercritical CO2 simple Brayton cycle integrated with a simple organic Rankine cycle (SORC), and a regenerative organic Rankine ...
    • Sensitivity analysis applied to the thermodynamic diagnosis of combustion in a diesel engine with DIAGNO-DIESEL® software 

      Espinel Blanco, Edwin; Cárdenas-Gutiérrez, Javier Alfonso; Romero Garcia, Gonzalo (International Review of Mechanical EngineeringItalia, 2020-06)
      At present, in order to mitigate the environmental impact of internal combustion machines and to increase their efficiency, it is necessary to carry out thermodynamic studies to predict their mechanical, thermal, and ...
    • Servidor web y punto de acceso basado en un sistema embebido para la supervisión de un proceso desde una aplicación móvil con sistema operativo Android 

      Celis Peñaranda, José Miguel; Sepúlveda Mora, Sergio B.; Escobar Amado, Christian David; Castro Casadiego, Sergio A. (IngeniumColombia, 2016-03-14)
      Para monitorizar el proceso de control en una intersección semafórica, es decir, el encendido de cada una de las luces, el historial de los fallos presentados y la notificación en caso de un nuevo daño, se diseñó un sistema ...
    • Shaft pump power - effect of pipe network configuration 

      Obregon, Luis; Espinel Blanco, Edwin; Acevedo Peñaloza, Carlos Humberto (International Journal on Energy ConversionItalia, 2020-05)
      Building design has often many engineering challenges to achieve the best possible energy and economic efficiencies. It is necessary to use technological tools capable of predicting with a high degree of accuracy the ...