• Gestión pública en una ciudad fronteriza colombiana: La mirada de sus habitantes 

      AMBOA SUAREZ, AUDIN ALOISO; Hernández Álvarez, Cesar Augusto; Ramirez Leal, Pastor (Revista de Ciencias SocialesColombia, 2021-08)
      La gestión pública eficiente busca generar actuaciones transparentes que logren satisfacer necesidades básicas de los habitantes. El objetivo del artículo es identificar las percepciones de habitantes de la ciudad ...
    • Proposal for a system model for offline seismic event detection in Colombia 

      Miranda, Julian; Flórez Abril, Angélica; Ospina, Gustavo; Gamboa, Ciro Alberto; Altuve, Miguel; FLOREZ-GONGORA, CARLOS (Future InternetSuiza, 2020-12-18)
      This paper presents an integrated model for seismic events detection in Colombia using machine learning techniques. Machine learning is used to identify P-wave windows in historic records and hence detect seismic events. ...
    • A proposal for updating the response spectrum of San Jose de Cucuta, Colombia 

      FLOREZ-GONGORA, CARLOS; MARQUEZ-PEÑARANDA, JORGE FERNANDO; Lozano Lozano, Carlos Fernando (IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and EngineeringColombia, 2020-06-29)
      An analysis of seismic signals captured in three stations of the network of accelerographs of the Colombian Geological Service (SGC, by its acronym in Spanish) was developed for the city of San Jose de Cucuta, Colombia. ...
    • Testing stabilization of high-plasticity clays used in sloping terrain by adding sodium silicate 

      FLOREZ-GONGORA, CARLOS; Garzón-Peña, A T; Molina-Giraldo, R D (Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesReino Unido, 2020-08-05)
      High-plasticity clays can be stabilized by the addition of a small percentage of sodium silicate. Sixteen mixtures of 4000 g with different concentrations of sodium silicate at difference percentage were designed, to which ...
    • The use of mobile phones for the prevention and control of arboviral diseases: a scoping review 

      Carrillo, Maria Angelica; Kroeger, Axel; Cardenas, Rocio; Diaz Monsalve, Sonia; Runge-Ranzinger, Silvia (BMC Public HealthReino Unido, 2021-01-09)
      Background: The rapid expansion of dengue, Zika and chikungunya with large scale outbreaks are an increasing public health concern in many countries. Additionally, the recent coronavirus pandemic urged the need to ...