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dc.contributor.authorGALLARDO PÉREZ, HENRY DE JESÚS
dc.contributor.authorRojas Suárez, Jhan Piero
dc.contributor.authorVergel Ortega, Mawency
dc.description.abstractThe research identifies storytelling concepts in Physics from university professors. The research follows a qualitative approach applied to 250 participants from universities in the department Norte de Santander, Colombia. The design implements as an interview technique the Socratic dialogue and as a quantitative support used elements of the correlational design. Interview and virtual survey instruments had a kappa index equal to 0.8 and α = 0.78. The results identify three categories associated with the application of science, the function of the history of Physics and scientific production. It is concluded that participant's concept storytelling is the art of telling a story in motion and a didactic resource associated with approaches, the development of skills, useful to analyse the development of discoveries in Physics, its actors, its application in scientific advances and its contribution to innovation and community development. Classical mechanics, electricity and magnetism with storytelling, identifies in physical science axiological aspects associated with tradition; epistemological aspects associated with experimental physics; and critical aspects.eng
dc.publisherJournal of Physics: Conference Seriesspa
dc.relation.ispartofJournal of Physics: Conference Series
dc.rightsContent from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltdeng
dc.titleDescriptive analysis of storytelling concepts in physicseng
dc.typeArtículo de revistaspa
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dc.relation.citationeditionVol.1672 No.1.(2020)spa
dc.relation.citationissue1 (2020)spa
dc.relation.citesRojas-Suarez, J. P., Pérez, H. G., & Vergel-Ortega, M. (2020, October). Descriptive analysis of storytelling concepts in physics. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1672, No. 1, p. 012018). IOP Publishing.
dc.relation.ispartofjournalJournal of Physics: Conference Seriesspa
dc.rights.creativecommonsAtribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)spa

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