The architecture on land and its construction techniques, millenary tradition that is reborn
Hurtado-Figueroa, Oswaldo | 2018-08-30
In the context of sustainable development, the use of materials of low
environmental impact in the activities inherent to the construction of houses plays
an important role when it comes to reducing waste pollution. The alternative
materials to be used in the various construction processes, besides being totally
renewable, they must be reusable, available locally and have little or no energy
expenditure in its extraction, preparation and application. The Bio resources or
Eco materials meet these requirements, of which land as ancestral material used in
millenary construction techniques, it becomes the most feasible alternative for its
use as a construction material to replace the conventional ones. The main
objective is the literary review of articles published in reliable databases, whose
research topic was based on the analysis and use of land and natural materials for
application in housing construction. The articles were categorized, analyzed and
integrated into a synthesized structure to extract the important aspects in the
thematic introduction, the constructive techniques, the results of the processes
carried out and finally, the conclusions on the constructive implementation of the
elements studied. In this way it offers information of interest to people who want
to delve into the subject investigated.