BA. Grupos de Investigación: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 41-60 de 1541
Adaptación cultural y validación del instrumento EMCC-14, de competencia cultural en profesionales de salud colombianos
(Index de Enfermeria, 2022)Realizar adaptación cultural de la Escala de Medición Competencia Cultural en trabajadores de la salud (EMCC-14), para el contexto colombiano. Método: validación cultural y de contenido por juicio de expertos, incluido ... -
A Simulation Analysis of an Influenza Vaccine Production Plant in Areas of High Humanitarian Flow. A Preliminary Study for the Region of Norte de Santander (Colombia)
(Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 2021-12-24)The production of vaccines of biological origin presents a tremendous challenge for researchers. In this context, animal cell cultures are an excellent alternative for the isolation and production of biologicals against ... -
Study on Croton sp. genetic diversity in the Department of Norte de Santander using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of ribosomal DNA (rDNA)
(Revista Colombiana de Ciencias HorticolasTunja, Colombia, 2022-01-01)Genetic variability studies on species with a pharmacological potential are essential for conserving genetic resources. A genetic characterization of a species can guide efforts to collect and conserve germplasm for future ... -
Difficulties in the interpretation of kinematics graphs in secondary basic education students
(Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2022-10-22)This research reports the findings derived from the identification of the difficulties exhibited by a group of 76 students from different grades of basic secondary education in a private educational institution with an ... -
Inquiry-based learning. Beliefs of trainee teachers in a physics course
(Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2022)The teaching of physics should be supported by practical or laboratory activities that seek to develop the scientific competencies of the students who study physics, so it is necessary to propose innovative strategies, ... -
Newton's law learning assessment: an experience with high school students
(Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2022)The Force Concepts Inventory is a test to determine the level of conceptual knowledge of students about mechanical physics and to evaluate the effectiveness of different teaching strategies on the conceptual component of ... -
Biomechanical analysis of grip strength in upper limb rehabilitation
(Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2022)This research is based on biomechanics as a science that involves concepts of engineering, mechanics, physic, anatomy, physiology, and many others, to study the human body with the desire to solve certain problems that may ... -
Residue from coal combustion for plastic soil improvement
(Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2022-10)The combustion of coal in Hoffman-type furnaces generates ash as one of the process residues. This research seeks to make use of this residue to improve plastic subgrade soils in tertiary roads, considering that in ... -
Zika en la gestación. Afectación de las destrezas de ejecución y edad madurativa en infantes
(Revista CuidarteBucaramanga,Colombia, 2022-05-24)El virus Zika se transmite por la picadura de mosquitos infectados, pero también puede ocurrir a través de una infección intrauterina antes del parto, y el virus pasa al feto. Objetivo: describir ... -
Estimation of the Block Adjustment Error in UAV Photogrammetric Flights in Flat Areas
(Remote Sensing, 2022-06-16)UAV-DAP (unmanned aerial vehicle-digital aerial photogrammetry) has become one of the most widely used geomatics techniques in the last decade due to its low cost and capacity to generate high-density point clouds, thus ... -
Competencia TIC de los docentes universitarios desde la perspectiva de los estudiantes
(Revista Venezolana de GerenciaMaracaibo, Venezuela, 2022-06-27)El nivel de competencias de los docentes en relación con el uso de las tecnologías de información y comunicación ha despertado la inquietud de investigadores en los últimos años. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo describir ... -
Applied Bibliometric in the Advancement of Solar Energy Research
(International Journal of Energy Economics and PolicyDubai, United Arab Emirates, 2022-07-19)Bibliometrics has proven to be an efficient method for quantitative research on the statistical behavior of academic production, which allows analyzing existing data and documents to resolve trends in specific research ... -
Integrated cloud computing and cost effective modelling to delineate the ecological corridors for Spectacled bears (Tremarctos ornatus) in the rural territories of the Peruvian Amazon
(Global Ecology and Conservation, 2022-04-19)Spectacled bears (SB) (Tremarctos ornatus) are the only bear species native to South America. This particular bear is the single species of its genus, and it is listed as vulnerable according to the IUCN red list. A ... -
Alternatives to Improve Performance and Operation of a Hybrid Solar Thermal Power Plant Using Hybrid Closed Brayton Cycle
(Sustainability (Switzerland), 2022-08-02)Hybrid solar thermal power plants using the Brayton cycle are currently of great interest as they have proven to be technically feasible. This study evaluates mechanisms to reduce fuel consumption and increase the power ... -
WaterrelationsandgasexchangeinRuilopezia atropurpurea(Asteraceae),agiantrosettegrowingundercontrastingmicroclimatesinthehightropicalAndes
(CaldasiaBogotá, Colombia, 2022-10-10)Tropical high andean ecosystems, known as paramos, are unique because they are highly diverse, have a high number of endemic species, and play an essential role in different ecosystem services, but are especially susceptible ... -
The Effect of LEDs on Biomass and Phycobiliproteins Production in Thermotolerant Oscillatoria sp.
(Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 2022-11-17)This study evaluates the role of different LED lights (white, blue/red), intensity (µmol m−2 s −1 ), and photoperiod in the production of biomass and phycocyanin-C, allophycocyanin and phycoerythrin (C-PC, APC, and PE ... -
Normas Internacionales de Información en empresas manufactureras de la ciudad de Cúcuta
(Revista Venezolana de GerenciaMaracaibo, Venezuela, 2022-11-25)La práctica contable y financiera de las empresas se dirige a un proceso de estandarización global. Hoy muchos países se encuentran en el tránsito de adopción e implementación de las Normas Internacionales de Información ... -
Analysis of performance, emissions, and lubrication in a spark-ignition engine fueled with hydrogen gas mixtures
(Heliyon, 2022-10-26)Hydrogen is one of the main alternative fuels with the greatest potential to replace fossil fuels due to its renewable and environmentally friendly nature. Due to this, the present investigation aims to evaluate the ... -
Percepciones sobre el aprendizaje social y la operatividad de un entorno virtual: un análisis en estudiantes de una Facultad de Educación
(Formacion Universitaria, 2024-02-01)Esta investigación se centra en la percepción de los estudiantes sobre la influencia de una plataforma digital en la interacción y aprendizaje social en un contexto educación híbrido en una universidad pública de Colombia. ... -
Autonomous Cycles of Data Analysis Tasks for the Automation of the Production Chain of MSMEs for the Agroindustrial Sector
(Information (Switzerland), 2024-02-05)In this paper, we propose autonomous cycles of data analysis tasks for the automation of the production chains aimed to improve the productivity of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the context of agroindustry. ...