Algoritmo de nodos adaptativos para solucionar el problema de los nodos huérfanos en una Red Inalámbrica de Sensores ZigBee en topología de árbol
Castro Casadiego, Sergio | 2021-06
We have developed an algorithm based on hybrid nodes composed of an XBee S2C module configured
in API mode with escape and connected to a microcontroller ATMEGA 328P to solve the orphan node
problem of a ZigBee tree topology. The sensor nodes have both features End Device and Router that may
alternate depending on the situation, and the node can adapt itself to keep the network integrality as much
as possible. On the other hand, the coordinator node comprises an XBee S2C module and the embedded
system Raspberry Pi 3, which hosts the algorithm and is set up as an access point, a database server,
and a web server. Using the proposed algorithm, we were able to recover up to 42.8% of the network
coverage, but it comes with an energy cost due to the switch from End Device to Router. Additionally,
a mobile application integrated with notification service and Google Maps was developed to monitor
every node’s behavior in the Wireless Sensor Network.