Listar Infraestructura Vial - GINFRAVIAL por autor "IOP Publishing Ltd"
Mostrando ítems 1-2 de 2
Acoustic emissions in the valuation of the combustion chamber pressure of an engine
Rojas Suárez, J P; Pabón León, J A; Orjuela Abril1, M S (2021-08-26)Internal combustion engines demand advanced monitoring methodologies to promote efficient operation; particularly, the combustion pressure plays a central role in the overall performance, which promotes the utilization of ... -
Development of a virtual bench for the analysis of the physical processes of internal combustion engines
Rojas Suárez, J P; Pabón León, J A; Orjuela Abril, M S (2021-08-27)Currently, internal combustion engines face the challenge of reducing fuel consumption and reducing polluting emissions due to their significant impact on the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to use tools that allow ...