Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Design of an automated cheese cutting machine prototype 

      Espinel Blanco, Edwin; Ardila Delgado, Armando; Acevedo Peñaloza, Carlos Humberto (Contemporary Engineering SciencesBulgaria, 2018-11-30)
      This work describes each of the parameters for the design of a prototype of an automated machine to make cuts in different types of cheese, in cubic form and slices. Each mechanical and structural component is designed, ...
    • Determination of the theoretical stress concentration factor in structural flat plates with two holes subjected to bending loads 

      Acevedo Peñaloza, Carlos Humberto; Rojas Suárez, Jhan Piero; Espinel Blanco, Edwin (Contemporary Engineering SciencesBulgaria, 2018-11-22)
      Numerous research works have studied the stress distribution in sections with geometric discontinuities and the relationship with the theoretical factor of stress concentration using the finite element method. These works ...