Listar Ciencias Agronómicas y Pecuarias - GICAP por autor "15882d2ee554c30b9a0b0fb312572e30"
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Effect of the medium composition on the asymbiotic germination and in vitro development of the Laeliocattleya hybrid
SALAZAR MERCADO, SEIR ANTONIO; Botello Delgado, Edinson Alexander (South African Journal of Botany, 2020-09-04)In vitro cultivation techniques are viable alternatives for the germination and production of orchid seedlings in a short period. From another perspective, when studying the optimal germination conditions, knowing about ... -
Optimización de la prueba de tetrazolio para evaluar la viabilidad en semillas de Solanum lycopersicum L.
SALAZAR MERCADO, SEIR ANTONIO; Botello Delgado, Edinson Alexander; Quintero Caleño, Jesús David (Corpoica Ciencia y Tecnologia Agropecuaria, 2020-08-31)El tomate (Solanum lycopersicum) es una de las hortalizas más consumidas en el mundo con un aumento en su demanda, por lo que conocer la viabilidad de sus semillas es de suma importancia, ya que estas son la base del éxito ... -
Pre-treatments effect on the tetrazolium test on Epidendrum barbaricum Hágsater & Dodson seeds
SALAZAR MERCADO, SEIR ANTONIO; Botello Delgado, Edinson Alexander; Quintero Caleño, Jesús David (Revista Acta Agronomica, 2020-03-17)Orchids are affected by several factors that impair their spreading, which is necessary to know the viability of their seeds. The aim of this research was to determine the most suitable preconditioning treatment to potentiate ...