Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Análisis De Las Aplicaciones De La Microalga Botryococcus Braunii En Procesos Industriales 

      Carrascal Rivera, Derly Darleyn; Tasco Quintero, Angie Camila; Barajas Solano, andres F; García-Martinez, Janet; Machuca-Martínez, Fiderman (Ciencia En DesarrolloTunja, Colombia, 2021-09-07)
      Las microalgas y cianobacterias son la nueva plataforma biotecnológica par la producción de diversos metabolitos de interés industrial como carbohidratos, proteínas, lípidos, carotenoides e incluso metabolitos menos comunes ...
    • Bibliometric analysis of the thermal storage systems research in the last ten years 

      Peralta-Ruiz, Yeimmy; Acevedo Peñaloza, Carlos Humberto; Valencia Ochoa, Guillermo (International Journal of ChemTech ResearchIndia, 2018)
      In this research we analyze the state of the art of the technological developments that are being presented by the scientific community to mitigate the strong environmental changes with renewable energies. The results ...
    • Removal of pharmaceuticals from wastewater: Analysis of the past and present global research activities 

      Leyva Díaz, Juan Carlos; Sanchez Molina, Jorge; Belmonte-Ureña, Luis Jesús; molina, valentin; Batlles de la Fuente, Ana (WaterColombia, 2021-08-27)
      Water pollution is a worldwide problem. Water consumption increases at a faster rate than population and this leads to a higher pollution rate. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) include proposals aimed at ensuring the ...