The development of reflective thought for the training in integral people
Martínez Lozano, José Joaquín | 2018-07-01
In this article we present results of research whose objective was to analyze experiences in the growth of plants such as the Duranta and Salvia where the student develops competences in posing and solving problems that allowed him to argue, model, communicate on mathematics in improvement of their academic performance. The methodology followed a quantitative approach, field-type experimental design, applied to a sample of 180 students of engineering programs. Results: 95% of the students remained in the course, 99% scored above the general institutional average in integral calculus. Conclusion: Application in plant growth allowed to develop competences in raising and solving problems, development of mathematical thinking, analyzing variables and changes in a time, modeling situations; argue, represent entities. The use of blogs allowed the generation of new methods of study, and different forms of evaluation and evaluation of learning, both for students and teachers.