Fito bioquímica y Biología Molecular - FITOBIOMOL
Recent Submissions
Study on Croton sp. genetic diversity in the Department of Norte de Santander using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of ribosomal DNA (rDNA)
(Revista Colombiana de Ciencias HorticolasTunja, Colombia, 2022-01-01)Genetic variability studies on species with a pharmacological potential are essential for conserving genetic resources. A genetic characterization of a species can guide efforts to collect and conserve germplasm for future ... -
Traditional use and qualitative chemical composition of medicinal plants in the communities of Sardinata and Cúcuta in Norte de Santander - Colombia
(Revista Colombiana de Ciencias HorticolasTunja, Colombia, 2023-01-01)Traditional medicine is part of the culture of the people, it is an expression of intangible cultural heritage that combines different traditional knowledge and practices. Medicinal plants have been used as an alternative ... -
Evaluación del control de Burkholderia glumae en arroz (Oryza sativa) FEDEARROZ 67, utilizando nanopartículas de plata (AgNPs) en condiciones de invernadero
(Revista Colombiana de Ciencias HorticolasTunja, Colombia, 2023-09-01)El tizón bacteriano de la panícula, causado por Burkholderia glumae , representa una amenaza significativa para la producción mundial de arroz, poniendo en peligro la seguridad alimentaria futura. La gravedad de esta ... -
In Vitro antifungal activity of ethanol extracts from Cnidoscolus urens L. in controlling Colletotrichum spp. in Lycopersicum esculentum: a sustainable agricultural perspective
(Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Horticolas, 2023-05-01)Anthracnose, caused by the pathogenic fungi Colletotrichum spp., poses a significant threat to table tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) cultivation. This study delves into the potential of plant extracts from Cnidoscolus ... -
Silver colloidal nanoparticles by electrochemistry: temporal evaluation and surface plasmon resonance
(Reino Unido, 2021-06-04)The electrochemical technique for obtaining silver nanoparticles has advantages over other methods. For the synthesis, a colloidal silver generator (Colloidal Silver Generator® model 1001) was used, where two electrodes ... -
Molecular characterization of two papaya ringspot virus isolates that cause devastating symptoms in Norte de Santander, Colombia
(European Journal of Plant PathologyAmsterdam , Paises Bajos, 2017-01-06)Papaya ringspot virus is an RNA virus that belongs to the genus Potyvirus, family Potyviridae and affects both papaya and cucurbits, causing great economic losses. PRSV isolates are divided into biotypes P and W; both ... -
Transcriptional changes involved in kumquat (Fortunella spp) defense response to Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri in early stages of infection
(Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 2021-12)Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xcc), the causal agent of type A canker, differentially affects all commercial varieties of citrus plants. Among them, Fortunella spp (kumquat) have higher tolerance to disease development, ... -
Respuesta en el desarrollo radicular deArabidopsis thaliana al extracto foliar de Moringa oleifera
(Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Hortícolas, 2017-06-13)La respuesta del crecimiento de las raíces se encuentra mediado por fitorreguladores que participan en todas las etapas de crecimiento y desarrollo de la planta. Un adecuado sistema radicular garantiza el anclaje y absorción ... -
Composición fitoquímica del extracto de raíz de Ichthyothere terminalis de dos regiones geográficas diferentes de Colombia
(Revista Colombiana de QuimicaBogota ,Colombia, 2017-09-01)Se reporta el análisis fitoquímico de dos extractos de raíz de Ichthyothere terminalis, colectadas en las localidades de Cumaral (Meta) y Abrego (Norte de Santander), Colombia. Los extractos se obtuvieron en etanol por ... -
Diversidad genética de Moringa oleifera Lam. en el nororiente colombiano utilizando marcadores RAMs
(Revista Colombiana De Ciencias HortícolasBogota ,Colombia, 2018-01-06)Moringa oleifera Lam., también conocida como Moringa pterygosperma Gaertn., es un árbol endógeno de la región del Himalaya, de crecimiento rápido que puede alcanzar los 12 m de alto. Moringa es empleado como alimento o ... -
Presence of Potyvirus in the Norte de Santander department and molecular characterization of NIb protein in Colombian SCMV isolates
(Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Hortícolas, 2021-05-18)Potyviruses are the largest genus of plant viruses that cause significant losses over a wide range of crops. In this paper, the presence of potyvirus in different plant crops in the provinces of Ocaña and Pamplona located ... -
Silver colloidal nanoparticles by electrochemistry: temporal evaluation and surface plasmon resonance
(Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021-10-18)The electrochemical technique for obtaining silver nanoparticles has advantages over other methods. For the synthesis, a colloidal silver generator (Colloidal Silver Generator® model 1001) was used, where two electrodes ...